Cecilia CSS

A set of tools for quick development of web interfaces.


  • h1
  • .h1

Heading 1

  • h2
  • .h2
Heading 2

  • h3
  • .h3
Heading 3

  • h4
  • .h4
Heading 4

  • h5
  • .h5
Heading 5

  • h6
  • .h6
Heading 6

Font size

  • .textXs
Text XS

  • .textSm
Text SM

  • No class needed - assumes base font size
Text MD

  • .textLg
Text LG

  • .textXl
Text XL

  • .text2Xl
Text 2XL

  • .text3Xl
Text 3XL

  • .text4Xl
Text 4XL

  • .text5Xl
Text 5XL
<h1 class="d1">...</h1>

Small text

  • small
  • .small

Display heading with small text

Display paragraph with small text


Marked text

  • mark
  • .mark
This is a marked text and indicates a highlight.

Horizontal rules

  • hr



  • .listUnstyled
  • Unstyled list item 1
  • Unstyled list item 2
    • Nested list item 1
    • Nested list item 2

  • .list-inline and .list-inline-item
  • List inline item 1
  • List inline item 2
  • List inline item 3
<ul class="listUnstyled">...</ul>


  • blockquote and cite
Those who pass by us, do not go alone, and do not leave us alone; they leave a bit of themselves, and take a little of us. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


  • .imgFull
<img src="..." class="imgFull" alt="...">


  • code

For inline code, you can wrap a fragment of computer code in a <code> tag.

  • pre and code
For multiple lines of code, you can use the <code> tag inside a <pre> tag:
<p>I'm a sample paragraph...</p>
<p>I'm another sample paragraph...</p>


  • kbd
Press Ctrl C to copy text.


  • samp
I'm a sample output from a computer program.


Maximum container width:

(resize your browser to see the difference)

  • .container
Image container

  • .containerFull
image full container
<div class="container">...</div>

Equal width

  • .col
DIV 1 of 2
DIV 2 of 2

DIV 1 of 3
DIV 2 of 3
DIV 3 of 3
<div class="col">...</div>

Responsive columns

  • .col{breakpoint}{columns}
DIV 1 of 2
.col9 .colLg2
DIV 2 of 2
.col3 .colLg10
<div class="colLg2">...</div>

Auto wrap

DIV 1 of 5
.colSm6 .colMd4
DIV 2 of 5
.colSm6 .colMd4
DIV 3 of 5
.colSm6 .colMd4
DIV 4 of 5
.colSm6 .colMd4
DIV 5 of 5
.colSm6 .colMd4
<div class="colSm6 colMd4">...</div>

Auto width content

  • .colAuto
  • .col{breakpoint}-auto
DIV 1 of 3
DIV 2 of 3 (auto width content)
DIV 3 of 3
.col .colLg2

DIV 1 of 3
.col .colLg2
DIV 2 of 3 (auto width content)
DIV 3 of 3
.col .colLg2
<div class="colAuto">...</div>


  • .order*
DIV 1 of 3 (unordered)
DIV 2 of 3
DIV 3 of 3

DIV 1 of 3 (unordered)
DIV 2 of 3
DIV 3 of 3
<div class="order-1">...</div>


No gutters

  • .gutter0
DIV 1 of 3
DIV 2 of 3
DIV 3 of 3
<div class="row gutter0">...</div>

Change default gutter

  • .gutter5
DIV 1 of 3
DIV 2 of 3
DIV 3 of 3
<div class="row gutter5">...</div>


  • .table
# Quantity Ingredient
1 3 Carrots
2 8 Strawberries
3 1 Lime
<table class="table">...</table>


  • .formGroup
  • .formControl
<input class="formControl" id="..." type="text" placeholder="...">


  • .blur
<img src="..." class="blur" alt="...">
  • .fadeIn
<img src="..." class="fadeIn" alt="...">
  • .fadeInDown
<img src="..." class="fadeInDown" alt="...">
  • .zoomIn
<img src="..." class="zoomIn" alt="...">
  • .spinner
<div class="spinner"></div>